Wednesday 19 September 2012

I was the second shooter on the grassy knoll....

I have a confession to make ... and funny thing it feels like I should confess even though it feels great.
I am just going to come out and say it.
I withdrew from Uni
phew... that's a load off let me tell you.
I think its a good thing. I had an Epiphany yesterday while on the phone to the student adviser... I don't think the phone call went quite how she had Basically I honestly couldn't tell her what I wanted from a degree or even what I wanted a degree in. I was hating my unit I had picked and was overloading on stress. I sat down and thought about why I was doing it. first reason ... My husband felt I needed something to do. This was said a while ago and when I enrolled I really did need something to do. This is no longer the case I went and found several things to do... things that I really enjoy. And the second reason... Expectations. Or more accurately the thoughts and expectations I project on to people. What I think they expect from me and what they actually do are two different things. I have a lot of family that are very smart. They excel at everything the do. They are academics and they are wonderful. I would love to be like them. That said they enjoy what they have chosen to make careers out of. They enjoy things that to be honest I don't. I also think maybe I don't have worth if I don't have a degree.... isn't that silly. WHO CARES! well obviously people that hire people with degrees and training care. A degree wont help me do what I want to do when my children grow older and no longer wish to spend time with me.
In short I realised that my reasons for starting uni were pretty shit.
SO I stopped. I have to change the way I think of it though... I failed pops up a bit but then the little voice that is often squished in the corner says... Life is to short to not love what you do.

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