Thursday 16 August 2012

best laid plans...

Sorry for not posting sooner guys... I don't seem to be able to get my poo together at the moment. I am trying to keep up with my active sporty type stuff to get ready for this "fun" run in December and also working hard at sneaking super healthy stuff into everyone's foods and drinks.. although the Barley Greens has beaten me at the moment the only thing I can put that in is the super juices I make and then only in mine cause it sticks.. and pretty much tastes how it smells. Then there is the whole support your hubby type thing which in this place has a lot of ups and downs for both of us. Three boys who's behaviour seems to have changed over night from the best of friends to antagonists And a booming small business which is great but full on especially when it isn't just me who has to make the things. Then I feel bad harassing others to "chop,chop" so to speak. I have also joined the community garden as I previously mentioned and I have been studying up on what to plant in my new climate. Middle child was also concussed on Monday at school....
His eye is now a wonderful dark purple... and he has the flu. Uni stuff goes online today and we are away for the weekend ( middle child and daddy are off to the footy while we visit family) to Melbourne when really I should be in a cleaning frenzy for our house inspection on Wednesday. House inspections are apparently done every three months now, did you know that... there is no better way to constantly remind you that this is not your home... don't get too comfy cause we are going to come in a judge you every couple of months.
This is also the start of super busy months for us, Canberra in September, QLD twice in October, Newcastle and Taree in November..... oh and there are two family members birthday in there as well. Then Christmas.... which means Christmas stock is in the works already because otherwise when will I get them done.

Oh Boo Fucking Who I hear you say and well you should the things that make up life are what I am whinging about and if I didn't like my life well I would do something to change it.

But don't you just wake up sometimes and look at everything you need to do for the day and go.. really? again? can't I just stay in bed for a little bit? ( background noise of children playing and not getting ready for school and two dogs attempting to get to the dinner plates from last night, oops and there goes the god damn alarm again)

On a bonus Side Geek-r-ee is making me rather proud at the moment. It all seems to be happening, I have even organised an Etsy party for next week.. which falls after the inspection but before darling hubby gets back from several days in Sydney. Hopefully people come..... I am going to make this..

Ah well back to the cleaning before I get stuck into this really awesomesauce Dr. Who bag that just needs some finishing up.

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